A collection of writings detailing the reconnection of two life partners in the near future, on their journey between Earth and humanity’s new home; Titan. Being forced upon a shuttle that launched years prior to his wife’s, a man is forced to wait in this brave new world while his partner approaches. Will the lovers be reunited once again, or will the infinite void of space conquer all?
A Night in Titan’s Icy Embrace:
When will you arrive? Rather, will you arrive?
Coated in miniature oceans, I gently wipe my visor and study the sky.
These luminous orbs of precipitation have a heavier descent than they once did at home.
Home is a word I no longer understand.
I feel as though I am floating... most likely I am.
If I were to step out of this gaze, I imagine I would freeze.
But then again, I do not think it would be so bad if you were here.
Please hurry...
As I leave behind all that I know,
I pray only for more of the same.
The same forces that coerced me to go,
Beckon for me to inherit them in some other form.
A new home we all chant… all we want is a new home.
I hope that you’re still around when my eight year sentence has finally passed.
“Godspeed” we all said when you left.
Seven More Years of Winter:
We all face the same way here.
Every day feels the same way here.
Even more so than on Earth.
At least then, I had you,
And you had the Sun.
If you ever do arrive, don’t expect much from that guy…
He will not shine like he used to.
Four hundred thirty thousand miles per hour isn’t fast enough.
I feel as if a star is burning out.
It’s almost as if I can feel you.
See you or hear you even.
I know I can’t yet,
But if I dream…
Entering Love’s Orbit:
Every time I see a shooting star,
I imagine it is you.
And one of these times,
It will be.
And so it goes.
Another day passes on,
And if I have remembered my numerals correctly,
There are less than three hundred sixty five of them until you are here before me.
“Godspeed” you all said to me.
Descent Into Serenity:
Should I have brought a coat?
It looks fairly brisk down there.
I only wish with you to float,
All throughout that shrouded atmosphere.
The Blinding Force of Connection, The Binding Force of Titanium:
It is today, is it not?
With anticipation I’m fraught.
I see you among the glittering horizon.
We are home now, even if I never see another sun rising.
I am coming to you, just call for me when your feet touch the ground.
Are there pillows here? Blankets? No matter, we’ll sleep safe and sound.
There you are.
Here I am.
Take my hand, I have something to show you.
Is it true what they say?
On Titan, we can fly higher than we ever have before.
Two love birds very literally took off for the sky, never to come back, never to fade away.
“Godspeed” we all said to them.